My Time at The National Theatre
I spent 9 days in the Digital Drawing and Design Department at the National Theatre, Southbank, London from 29/08/17 - 08/09.17. My time there will forever change my perspective on large theatre organisations - it is an independent and high strung world of its own...
Work Produced
Final Photos of work I did for NT Production St George and the Dragon & the Pinocchio Boat Winter Exhibition
Set piece designed by Bob Crowley for the National Theatre's Winter Production of Pinocchio, 2017. Drawn up on AutoCAD 2016 by myself as a first task given by DDD.
This is a Medieval/Victorian single bed for Elsa's cottage I designed and drew up on AutoCAD 2016 for the National Theatre's production of Saint George and the Dragon. Final layout and Dimensions.
Letter Design Tables for Pinocchio Exhibition. I designed and drew these up on AutoCAD and kept them to the circus theme. For the Final version, alterations were made such as a rectangular table top instead of circular. Also parts of the letter design was simplified due to cost concerns made by the NT.
Set piece designed by Bob Crowley for the National Theatre's Winter Production of Pinocchio, 2017. Drawn up on AutoCAD 2016 by myself as a first task given by DDD.